Dashboard for managing downloads, subscrptions, licence keys, etc

Ram Alsaifi

New Member
Hi aliexpress-na-russkom.rumunity,

This is a suggestion to build a centralized dashboard for customers to access plugins, themes, API keys etc.
At the moment, it's very tricky to re-download plugins, themes, and other tools that we have previously purchased. It is also tricky to regenerate licence keys or update the site the plugin is associated with. There is no centralized place where we can access and edit all that.

My suggestion is to build a dashboard where your customers can log into and do the following:
1- Access to themes and other tools that customers have previously purchased with options to download different versions including latest versions.
2- Regenerating license keys for plugins and themes.
3- Update site URL (especially useful when moving to a new domain)
4- You can add other options (Cancel subscription for example, request a refund, etc)

This would help in reducing the load on the support team (customers can manage some things themselves). It would also help make it quicker to get things done instead of waiting for support to solve issues that could take days. And, I'm sure there are other benefits to this.

Kind regards
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